FoodTankers has one of the most modern washing facilities in Europe with two lines in Karlshamn.

FoodTankers´washing facility performs internal cleaning of tanks for our own use but also for external customers. With a high capacity, the waiting time is short and our skilled collaborators take good care of your equipment. The washing facility was upgraded in 2015 with a completely new control system developed by FoodTankers along with a local supplier. FoodTankers attaches great importance to product safety and the washing facility plays a very central role in FoodTankers activity.
The washing facility is certified according to FSSC22000, GMP+B4, ISO 14001 and SQAS and Eftco+Food. The SQAS certification also means that we can issue ECD certificates.
The washing system is designed so that we can wash every compartment with different washing programs and thereby reduce the environmental effect  and cost per wash. For example, a clean compartment can be washed with only water while an unclean one needs detergent. This is, to our knowledge, quite unique and is not yet to be found in any other washing facilities.
FoodTankers is a part of the German group Imperial where we have four more washing facilities in Europe.
