FoodTankers är ett företag i en bransch som av många anses vara motsatsen till hållbarhet. Därför har vi antagit utmaningen och vill visa att vi faktiskt kan arbeta för en hållbar utveckling både miljömässigt, socialt och ekonomiskt.

Vi vill helt enkelt vara det goda företaget som respekteras av våra anställda, kunder, leverantörer samt samhället och dess medborgare. 2015 blev året då FoodTankers tog ett helhetsgrepp kring hållbarhet och började arbeta på ett strukturerat sätt enligt miljöperspektivet samt en socialt och ekonomiskt hållbar utveckling.
Vi granskades också av DNV NL på uppdrag av en av våra större kunders Code of Conduct med ett positivt resultat. Vi arbetar sedan dess aktivt med uppföljning av våra underleverantörer, både svenska och utländska.

Mer om vårt CSR arbete kan ni läsa om i vår hållbarhetsrapport
FoodTankers har även en uppförandekod som samtliga medarbetare och underleverantörer måste skriva på för att få arbeta för oss.
FoodTankers är ansluten till Sveriges Åkeriföretags initiativ FAIR TRANSPORT.

FoodTankers Code of Conduct


FoodTankers, the most sustainable and respected logistic company in Europe for unpacked food stuff.



This is the Code of Conduct for FoodTankers, a part of DPWorld. It describes how to behave to contribute to sustainability both economically, socially and environmentally.
The code of conduct applies to all FoodTankers´employees and all FoodTankers´suppliers.
Suppliers contracted or working for FoodTankers are independent companies and work in most cases exclusively for FoodTankers. Actions taken by our business partners can be attributed to FoodTankers and affect the reputation of us and our customers.  FoodTankers demand that all employees and suppliers meet and promote the principles of this Code of Conduct. FoodTankers and its subcontractors will henceforth be written” We”. It´s also expected from all employees and suppliers to know and support FoodTankers´vision and business principles. The supplier must train all employees working for FoodTankers about this Code of Conduct.

We must respect the human rights

The U.N Declaration on human rights: We must support and respect protection for international human rights and ensure that we´re not part of human rights violations.
Non-discrimination and fair treatment: We will create and maintain a working environment free from discrimination and treat all coworkers with dignity and respect. No physical, sexual, verbal or psychological harassment or abuse will be tolerated.
Forced labor: We must not participate in or take advantage of any kind of forced labor or child labor. If local laws allow, young people under the age of 18, but not under 15, can be employed for special tasks. This presupposes that all safety regulations for people under 18 are followed.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining: FoodTankers and its subcontractors must respect the right of the worker to organize union.

We must have a safe and sound working environment
Safety at work: We must ensure that employees working for FoodTankers have a safe working environment and we must work to discover and prevent any risks with respect to health and safety for all employees. Coworkers and subcontractors must use the protective equipment provided by FoodTankers and always report risks, incidents and accidents to FoodTankers.
Working hours and driving and rest times: We must follow current EU legislation for working times and driving and rest times.
Salaries and benefits: We must fulfill at least local and international statutory minimum standard and collective agreement for salaries and benefits. Social expenses and taxes for the employees must be paid legally. Salary must be paid regularly and not later than following month after work performed. Salary is to be be paid in full and directly to the workers concerned. Such payments must be kept in appropriate registers. Salary deductions are allowed only under conditions and to the extent prescribed in applicable laws or collective agreements. The supplier should inform the workers concerned about such deductions at the time of each payment.
Notification of employees: We must inform our employees in good time in case of significant changes that might affect them.

We must take responsibility for the environment

Climate impact: We must continuously work with environmental improvements and minimize the climate impact with special focus on emissions of greenhouse gases. Environmental impact must be accounted for.


We must drive safely

Road safety: Everyone who drives FoodTankers´vehicles must be sober, have full attention to the traffic (no mobile phone etc when driving) and follow laws and regulations. FoodTankers´ policy for road safety must be followed.


We must have a high business integrity

Corruption: We will make sure to follow the highest standards for moral and ethical conduct, respect local laws and not participate in any form of corruption such as extortion, fraud, bribery or smuggling.
Money laundering: We do not accept or support any forms of money laundering.
Secrecy: We must exercise caution with confidential information about FoodTankers and its customers.
Whistle blowing: We strive for transparency and encourage everyone to sound the alarm (“Whistle blowing”) about irregularities or accident risks.


FoodTankers Ltd
Tomas Petterson, CEO